
Walking with the Prince of Peace 

Don’t lose the awe and astonishment of Christmas. You are highly loved and highly favoured and peace rests on you. Pastor Connie teaches us how God’s peace came to us through Jesus and this peace has a function in our life that guards our heart. Learn how to let Jesus be your Prince of Peace.



The Order of Melchizedek

In this sermon, Pastor Max explores the story of Melchizedek, the priest of God who appeared to Abraham long before the law was given. Melchizedek, meaning "Righteous King," brought bread and wine to Abram, symbolizing Jesus and the communion we share today. He blessed Abram, praising God for his victory, reminding us that all success comes from God. Abram responded by giving a tenth of everything to Melchizedek, a powerful act of worship. Pastor Max highlights how Melchizedek represents a type of Jesus, and when we give our tithes, we are ultimately giving to Jesus, the eternal High Priest.



The Call of Abraham: Worship, Blessing, and Obedience

In this sermon, Pastor Max delves into one of the fundamental passages of our faith: the call of Abraham. The Bible reveals that Jesus came from the lineage of Abraham, and as believers, we share in Abraham’s blessing (Galatians 3). Abraham’s life also exemplifies a heart of worship and a readiness to give to God, as seen in his encounter with Melchizedek. Join us as we explore the character, faith, and actions of this great man of God.



The Bigness of God

In this powerful message, Pastor Connie reminds us that God’s promises are always "Yes and Amen." Even when we face challenges, disappointments, or discouragement, we can trust in His unfailing love and the power that works within us. God is able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine, as His greatness shines through His church. This sermon encourages us to stay connected to God, believe in His power, and see His love at work in every situation. Don’t let the ‘no’ of the world discourage you—trust in the God who exceeds all expectations. Watch now and let this message inspire and strengthen your faith!



Jesus In Our Midst

Discover the powerful revelation of Jesus as depicted in Revelation 1:10-18. Pastor Max unveils the awe-inspiring image of the Risen Saviour—no longer the baby in the manger or the sacrificial lamb but the reigning King who walks among His church, speaks with authority, and holds the keys of death, hell, and the grave. Learn how to trust in His wisdom, power, and presence in your life. Let this message inspire you to hold on to your confession and fear not, for Jesus is alive and in our midst!



Faith in the Living Road

Discover the powerful message of faith in Pastor Max's latest sermon. This teaching reminds us that faith is not a formula—it’s rooted in the person of Jesus Christ. Drawing from Hebrews 4, Pastor Max highlights the rest found in walking by faith, the transforming power of God’s Word, and the truth that Jesus is Lord over every circumstance. Be encouraged as you learn to boldly approach the throne of grace, trust in Christ, and declare His Word with confidence. Let the faith of Christ in you do the work as you walk in step with Him.


Walking by Faith, Resting in God's Word

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Max dives into the truth of God's rest and how it transforms our faith walk. Discover how faith is not merely belief but a deep rest in God’s promises, even amidst life’s challenges. Through the teachings of Hebrews 4, John 16, and Mark 11, Pastor Max explains how to mix the Word of God with faith to overcome obstacles, speak life into our circumstances, and rest assured that God’s word is working for us. By watering our faith daily and thanking God for His promises, we can rest in the assurance that God’s word is at work within us.


Persistent, Bulldog Faith

In this message, Pastor Connie explores what it means to have persistent, bulldog faith—a faith that refuses to back down, no matter the obstacles. Drawing from the examples of Bartimaeus and the Canaanite Woman, she reminds us that even in the silence, persistence can lead us to victory. This kind of faith helps us overcome discouragement, keeps us focused, and pushes us to endure through life's toughest moments. It’s about having the willpower to control our thoughts, being specific in our prayers, and practicing gratitude even in the middle of challenges. Pastor Connie emphasizes that God isn’t moved by our tears or needs but by a faith that holds on until the miracle comes. Watch the full message to be inspired to develop a faith that won’t let go.



Faith That Gets Results

In Part 3 of the Persistent Faith series, Pastor Max explores what it means to have faith that gets results. Drawing from the examples of Abraham, Bartimaeus, and the Canaanite woman, Pastor Max reminds us that God is both able and willing to fulfill His promises. This inspiring message challenges us to actively resist negativity, take initiative in our relationship with God, and have a passionate, persistent faith. Learn how to recognize God’s will, step out of your comfort zone, and approach life with a faith grounded in Jesus Christ—the Anointed One. Discover how faith can transform your life, no matter the circumstances.



Live Again Like Lazarus

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Connie dives into the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead in John 11:38-45. Jesus' deep compassion for Lazarus and his family highlights how He feels moved by our struggles. But beyond His empathy, He instructs us to take action, urging us to remove the barriers—like unforgiveness, fear, doubt, guilt, and worry—that block His work in our lives. Pastor Connie challenges us to face the "stones" in our lives, to forgive past wounds, and to step out of our "grave clothes" with the support of the community. It’s a call to obedience, to experience true freedom, and to share the joy and strength that comes from living a life transformed by Christ.


When Heaven Seems Silent

In this powerful message, Pastor Max unpacks the story of the Canaanite woman from Matthew 15:21-28, a remarkable account of unwavering faith, persistence, and determination. When faced with silence from Jesus and discouragement from those around her, the Canaanite woman refused to give up. Her relentless faith and humble approach led to a life-changing miracle as her daughter was healed.

Whether you're facing personal challenges or seeking to deepen your faith, this message will inspire you to pursue Jesus with the same tenacity and determination.


Faith that gets Jesus' Attention

Join Pastor Max as he explores the powerful story of Bartimaeus from Luke 18:35-43. Though blind, Bartimaeus recognized Jesus as the "Son of David" and cried out for mercy with relentless faith. His persistence caught Jesus' attention, leading to his healing.

In this sermon, Pastor Max highlights the importance of seeking God's mercy, not signs and wonders, and how faith opens the door to transformation. Learn how to walk in tireless, determined faith like Bartimaeus and experience the power of Jesus' presence in your life.



The Power of Communion

Drawing from 1 Corinthians 11:23-30, Pastor Max emphasizes the importance of remembering and honoring Jesus' sacrifice each time we partake in communion: we are reminded not to let communion become a mere routine but to deeply contemplate what Jesus endured for us. We are called to discern, understand, and personalize the immense suffering Jesus bore for our sins and healing (Isaiah 53:1-5). As we take communion, let us honor Jesus' suffering and embrace the healing He offers by His wounds.



Faithfulness + Believing = Success

Success in God’s Kingdom means being faithful. God wants us to be faithful servants who share what Jesus has put inside of us. As you are busy doing God’s work, he will provide for your needs and desires. We have to believe. We have to stand on the Word. We have to have faith. Don’t give up. Tests and trials will come but faithfulness and believing equal success.


The Exceptional Father

This powerful message reminds us that our choices can lead us out of any situation, and while we can't control our circumstances, we can control our responses. The story of the Prodigal Son's return shows the exceptional love and forgiveness of our Heavenly Father. Just as the father in the story saw his son from a distance and ran to him with compassion, God is always watching and waiting for us with open arms. God’s house is a place of joy and celebration when we return to Him.


Christ in our DIfferences

In this sermon, Pastor Connie reminds us of the importance of unity in the church. The Apostle Paul teaches us to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ (Phil 1:27-28). We should behave like Christ. When people see you, do they see Christ in you? We are different, but our differences make us unique. The world needs to see our unity even throughout our differences.



Turn Your Life Around

Join Pastor Max as he explores the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-20) and the life-changing lessons it holds. Discover how our choices, not our circumstances, shape our future. You may have made some bad choices that have caused trouble, but take courage and do something today to turn things around. It's our own decisions and choices that determine our future, not our upbringing. Don't let life just happen—take charge and shape your destiny with God's wisdom and love. Turn you life around with faith, action, and the right mindset.



Conversation with Jesus

When things happen that trouble us, what do we do? In this sermon, Pastor Max explores the importance of setting our minds on things above, as described in Colossians 3:1 (NIV). Feeling troubled does not mean we need to repent, as even Jesus was troubled. Despite the challenges, we are encouraged to trust in God and not let our hearts be troubled or afraid (John 14:1, 27). Our ultimate victory is assured through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).



Turn Your Goliath Around

See how David made a decision, spoke, used what he had, took action and with God’s help defeated the enemy. David remembered in the past how God helped him defeat the lion and the bear. Decisions, not circumstances determine your future. How you talk to yourself determines your future. You can’t control what others think but you can control what you think. “For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” (1 John 5:4 NLT).



Turning Things Around

In this powerful message, Pastor Max teaches us how we can turn things around in our lives. The Gospel of Mark tells us the story of Jesus healing the woman with a life threatening hemorrhage (Mark 5:25-34). Before she came to Jesus she had spent all her money on doctors who couldn’t help her and she was instead getting worse. This woman decided to turn things around. She made a decision. She went to Jesus. (Mark 5:27) Decide today to turn your life around, by believing in Jesus and in His good plan for your life!



God's Word Changes Your Word

In this sermon, Pastor Connie encourages us to re-ignite our faith in God’s promises because they are full of power, anointing and blessing. It’s the Word of God that changes our world! Concentrate on the victory not on the crisis. Every crisis that we come out of is a victory. Jesus said we would experience problems but we are not to worry, and as we step into our parade of victory we attract others to Jesus. Declare the promises of God and keep looking forward. Bombard your problem with God’s promises and see yourself in the victory parade releasing the sweet-smelling fragrance of the knowledge of Christ.



From Promise To Possession

Discover how the words spoken to Joshua by God hold relevance for us today. Pastor Max reminds us the significance of stepping into God's promises and the importance of faith and obedience in claiming our blessings. God told Joshua ‘Whatever you put your foot on I will give you.’ (Joshua 1:3) We have a responsibility to believe God and ask him for things. Don't miss out on this transformative journey towards a life filled with prosperity, success, and a deeper connection with God. Hit play and step into your divine inheritance today!



Living The Resurrection Life

There’s a lot of hype in the preparation of our Easter celebrations but what happens after Easter? Jesus spent time with His friends after Resurrection, teaching, comforting and directing them. For Christians, after Easter Sunday there is the Resurrection Life. Going through Easter demands a response from us. A Christian life is not a mediocre life - we are blessed because we believe without seeing! Take time to be amazed. Don’t live an ordinary life. People will know that I‘m different because I’ve been with Jesus.



How Hungry Are You?

The exciting miracle in John 6 of Jesus feeding the 5,000 shows us that God is a God of abundance and overflow. John 6:12 says they were full and there were left overs. A little bit in God’s hands becomes much: much wisdom, much strength, much will power, much resources. We are to use what we have. It took faith to keep reaching into the basket for more bread and fish. It took hunger to keep it going. As long as they were hungry, the food kept multiplying. Our faith and our hunger make a demand on the power of God. The glory and power is his, the hunger is ours. How hungry are you?



The Power of the Holy Spirit

In Acts 1:8 Jesus said: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In this message, Pastor Max reminds us about the power we've already received to be witnesses for Jesus. You have power so you can be a witness of Jesus wherever you go. The power is not just to feel good or show off. It's for our mission to testify the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. When people see you, they see Jesus.



Clothed with Power

The Apostle Paul said we are to put off the old person and put on the new person created in God’s image. (Ephesians 4:22-24) The early church was a Spirit-filled church and a power-filled church. But they took their gifts out to the world. This is what God wants us to do in our everyday lives. Take the power of Holy Spirit wherever we go: to work, to the grocery store, to school, to our family, to our friends. Put it on and wear this power of God as you go out in the world.



Remove Stinking Thinking

Have you ever felt unworthy before God? God wants you to change the way you think. Christ has made you worthy. You need to go through a revolution in your thinking. Think ‘unlimited potential’ because God has removed your old way of thinking. It is what God says it is. God knows where you live and he knows how to get you where he wants you. The only thing that holds you back is ‘stinking thinking’.



Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

God has put us together UNIQUELY as a church body and given us gifts and talents to help others to grow. When believers are in unity, nothing will be impossible. As believers, we want to do the will of God, in the body where God has placed us. We want to reach the lost and teach/equip the found. And we want to help others just like the good Samaritan.



The Grace of Giving

God wants us to excel in the grace of giving. When we give to Him first he meets all our needs and gives us plenty left over to give others. Generous givers always have more. God gives us seed to sow through the work of our hands using the gifts He has given us.



Give It Your All

In this message Pastor Max encourages us to live and to serve with excellence. God has given us special abilities and gifts to do His will and serve one another. God’s gifts come to us by grace but we have to manage them. We need to recognize our gifts and use them for the good of others. Let God’s Word frame what you think and do. Use your unique gift at church, at home and at work for the good of others. And whatever you do, do it with excellence. Let your life brings glory to God.


The Church we Dream of

Acts 2 tells us what the local church should look like: this is the Church that Jesus is building. We call this the Church of Our Dreams.

Come and be a part of it!


Don't Stop Expecting

God wants His people to expect from Him bigger and higher things and He is making sure our dreams are being fulfilled. It doesn’t happen automatically but is a process that unfolds as we expectantly live out our life for Jesus. Keep on being glad – focus on positive expectations. Don’t let past bad experiences cause you to lose your expectations. Change your focus, be positive. Take every thought captive. It’s hard work to daily expect blessings but God’s promises are for me and I can overcome anything.


Take Back Your Victory, Pt. 2

In this teaching, Pastor Max reminds us how to handle our difficulties using the Word of God with skill and grace. We need to acknowledge the problem in order to walk in faith, but remember: our fight is not against people, it’s a fight to stay in faith. Be perfectly balanced in facing the problem but declaring the way out in faith and learn to encourage yourself in the Lord, just as David did in 1 Samuel 30.



Take Back Your Victory, Pt. 1

When Something Happens, Get Your Victory Back! Join Pastor Max as he uncovers powerful insights from the story of David and his men returning to their devastated hometown. Discover how David's faith reaction led them to victory in the face of adversity. If we do what David did, we can have victory in a difficult situation.


Hang on Five More Minutes

God has planted you as seed in the world. In the storms of life see how to be healthy seed so you can bear fruit to fulfil God’s purpose. You were born for this time.


The YOU the world needs

God is using us to reach this messed up world. Be like Zacchaeus. He overcame obstacles and ran ahead of the crowd to see Jesus. Jesus knew his name and Jesus knows your name and is waiting to help you overcome. Our mission is to love God absolutely and love others sacrificially.


God's Blueprint to Transform the World, pt 3

In Part 3 of our series on "God's Purpose to Transform the World" Pastor Max delves into our divine assignment of effecting positive change for God in our world. God has scattered us as good seed among the tares in this generation for his purpose: to know Jesus and to make him known.



God's Blueprint to Transform the World, pt 2

Where does all the evil in the world come from? Learn how The Parable of the Wheat and Tares applies to the world we live in today. When you understand this, you are free from asking ‘why?’. God has planted us as seeds in our world so that we can be co-labourers with God to change the world.



God's Blueprint to Transform the World, pt 1

God is calling out a people to get involved with what really counts. Everywhere we go, we need to influence people with righteousness, peace, and joy. Then God will get involved.



Be Thankful!

God wants us to be joyful, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances. This is God’s will for us. Thankfulness is an attitude of our hearts. Don’t let anything steal your thankfulness.



Be Brave!

What God said to Joshua He’s also saying to us today. Get ready, you are going somewhere else, move forward. Be strong and courageous. It’s not an option, it’s an order from heaven. If we do what Joshua did, we will get the same results.



Determined Living

September brings in a new season and a new school year. It’s a good time to review where you are spiritually. Spiritual growth is not automatic and not by accident. Don’t let your walk with Christ become a routine. Expect the unexpected. What is your dream? Don’t give up on it.



How to Fulfill Your Purpose

God has placed eternity in our hearts and made each of us with different abilities. We discover our purpose by identifying our passions. In "How to fulfill your purpose" Pastor Max shows us the steps we need to take to fulfill our purpose. God is pulling you to your future but it's not automatic. If you feel you’re not in the middle of God’s purpose for you, its time to take action.



How to Discover Your Purpose

One important indication of how you can discover your purpose is your passion: what are you passionate about? What do you want to do that you wish you could do all the time? When the way God made you converges with your passion, you touch the eternity that God has placed in your heart (Ecclesiastes. 3:11).



Why pursue purpose

Your skills and interests were designed by God. As you make the effort to please God, he will use you. God wants you to be a passionate pursuer of his purposes for you.




When we receive Jesus in our hearts, we belong to God’s family. We have all the rights and privileges that Jesus has as God’s son. We are joint heirs with Jesus. We don’t just share God’s Kingdom. It belongs to us as much as it belongs to Christ.


Expect a Great Harvest

Everything in the Kingdom of God works on the sowing seed principle (Mark 4). Different soils have different responses. In this message Pastor Connie enlightens us on how we can be good soil, bear much fruit and expect a great harvest.


Maximum Results

In Mark 4, Jesus taught a foundational parable called “The Parable of the Sower”. In it, He describes four kinds of soils, or hearts, that yield four kinds of results. Would you like to get maximum results in every area of your life? Locate what kind of soil your heart is, understand and neutralize hindrances to growth, and learn how to bear fruit to the max.


Our Firm Foundation - Jesus

In the midst of the pressure of our daily lives, we can overcome because we have a firm foundation. Don’t lose your faith over anything that is coming against you.



He shall have Dominion

Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦

Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and our motto is “God will have dominion from sea to sea.” (Psa. 78:2). As we celebrate this beautiful holiday, we remind ourselves that in order for us to live in a free, peaceful and prosperous country, we must pray for it, speak to its people, vote the right values and get involved in its life.


The Father-heart of God

In writing to the Corinthian church, the apostle Paul lists five essential characteristics of a father and a mentor. These qualities are a reflection of God our Father, who is Honorauble, Loving and Merciful. Adopting these qualities as a lifestlyle, will make us better people and will greatly improve our relationships both at home and at work.



Eternity in the Heart - Pt. 2

God knew you before the world began and He has a plan and a purpose for you: your purpose was on God’s mind before the beginning. (2 Tim. 1:9) Be aware of who God created you to be and choose to obey to God’s wonderful plan for your life: it’s definitely better that anything you’ll ever be able to imagine.




Eternity in the Heart

Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that God has planted eternity in our hearts. Eternity means having an awareness of God.

Get your heart lined up with the heart of God. God is working in your life to take you somewhere.

Every day counts because God is doing something in you and through you to reach others.




We come to church with two powerful things: our Bibles, and our traditions. Let’s protect our hearts from the wrong traditions and be filled by the Word of God! We have been made clean by the blood of Jesus.








God Is Not Angry

Many believe that God is angry and enjoys punishing people for their bad behavior. In reality the Apostle Paul describes a loving God who sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin: Jesus became sin for us and died on the cross. Just receive what Jesus has done.


Turn Worry into Trust

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:32-33 how not to worry: “Seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.” When you seek His Kingdom first, you turn your worry into faith.





The Absolute Goodness of God

God doesn’t cause bad things to happen. The Bible says hundreds of times that: “The LORD is good, and his mercy endures forever.”







Getting Along

We’re all different, with different gifts but all necessary. We have to connect with people who are not like us. Sometimes, this takes work: some assembly is required. Our assembly point is Jesus.






Second Mile Living Pt 2

Going the extra mile leads you to excellence and it makes you victorious. You always have the

attitude of overcoming evil with good.





Second Mile Living

In Matthew 5:38-42, Jesus talks about an attitude of love that is strong and leads to a victorious lifestyle.





You are the "body". 

Don’t stay away from communion because you feel unworthy.  God made you worthy. Learn what ‘unworthy manner’ actually means

in 1 Corinthians 11:23-29.



Praying Passionately  

Prayer should not be a dead tradition or a boring duty, but fervent and exciting.Prayer makes tremendous power available to us!




His Name Is ..  

In this Christmas message, we discover how the birth of Jesus is still relevant today and how He truly can make a difference in our lives.



The Power to Forgive  

Forgiving people when they hurt us is hard to do. This teaching explains reasons why it’s hard to forgive and helps us to overcome the obstacles to unforgiveness. (Col. 3:12-13)


Our Sins are forgiven  

The precious blood of Jesus forgives all our sins and wipes them out as if they never existed (Mt. 26:26-28).



A New Hope 2

Today we may look at the world and wonder what is going on?

Jesus was clear that no matter what happens, He said, “Don’t worry about it. Don’t be anxious.  Cheer up.”


A New Hope

God is active right now to restore peace to us and give us hope,

but He needs people to cooperate with Him.What does He want from us? He wants us to believe that He is the God of hope.


The Touch of Faith Pt. 2

Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened.

God’s grace is provided but we need to show up and take it.











The Touch of Faith Pt 1 

Don’t settle for a life of constant suffering.

You have control by what you’re believing and what you’re saying.



Faith - How to believe with the heart Pt. 4

Put God’s word in your heart, where your faith comes from.

Then when you pray you can be fully convinced that you will have what you prayed for


Back to the Basics-Faith Pt3

Forgiveness is important to God.

God not only forgives our sins, he wants us to forgive others.

Before you can move on in prayer, who do you need to forgive?


Back to the Basics-Faith Pt2

Jesus tells us we can pray for ‘whatever’. This is anything big or small. When you pray, believe that you have received what you’ve asked for.











Back to the Basics - Faith 

If you’re a believer, you can move mountains!

Jesus has given you authority over your problems so use your faith and your voice to command them to leave.